I am Luisa Mannu, Cognitive Behavioral Life Coach (CBC) and grief Counselor in Brussels, Belgium. I am also a certified Mindfulness Teacher.
I work in English, French and Italian.
Lavorare con Luisa mi ha permesso di scandire le questioni su cui dovevo focalizzarmi, magari non sempre evidenti di primo acchito, di fare un esame nel più profondo di me stessa ed usare anche risorse proprie per cercare di sormontare i miei problemi. Non sempre trovo le risposte alle sue domande. Ma la sua impostazione, le sue spiegazioni e stimoli, dopo un po’ mi portano a capirci più chiaramente. Le soluzioni non sono tutte là, perché il lavoro con me stessa continua, ma posso dire che sono sulla buona via.
Grâce à son coaching, Luisa m’aide à continuer mon chemin après le départ tragique de mon fils en février 2013. Elle m’apprend à vivre avec lui sans le voir avec mes yeux. Son professionnalisme et son support sont précieux pour ma nouvelle vie. Je dois faire mon deuil et c’est bien mieux avec l’aide de quelqu´un qui comprend l’épreuve que je traverse. Merci Luisa, pour ton aide, ton sourire et tes conseils !
I have met Luisa almost two years ago, in what was most probably the most difficult moment of my life – right after my husband passed away.
I had just come back to Belgium and I was looking for any kind of support group or network for people in the same situation as me but I have found none.
Luckily I have met Luisa – a wonderful person with great empathy and great compassion. She has helped me all through my grief process, carefully guiding me towards accepting and embracing my past, as well as my present and my future. As a result, I am today a mother-of-four who is able to enjoy life and her children at the fullest, without regrets and looking forward to tomorrow.
Through her words and her availability, Luisa helped me to overcome the end of a relationship in which I had put so much hope! With her help, I went beyond the unavoidable pain to start understanding fully what this ordeal could teach me. I learned about the internal resources I have. Luisa used her full set of experience, empathy and intelligence to guide me through a unique situation, my situation. Luisa, thank you for your professionalism and for your kindness!
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